Saturday, September 19, 2009

El Avila

El avila is a mountain that is located In Caracas Venezuela. It surrounds the entire city giving it a very good and convinient climate. The views of the city is nothing but wonderful because from certain mounts you can see the city filled with buildings, parks, and houses. Behind the city ,the mountain is centered. In rainy days I used to enjoy sitting out in my garage and stair at the vast panoramic views. Besides having beautiful views it comes with a lot of benefits. There are no huricanes or major earth quakes because the mountain protects the city.
ice skatingTheir are acopious amount of activities that yo can do on top of the Avila like  ice skating, playing in the park, dining, climbing. You can driveup the Avila through diffrent dirrections and look at several views like trees and the city.

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