Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Father

Everyone believes that their family is very significant and my case isn´t any diffrent. My entire family is always very understanding and has been there for me when I needed them because everyone else has turned their backs to me. In my family my father I would say is the wisest one. It is not because he is old or because he has studied to much but everytime I talk to him  he seems to always have the right answers and the perfect suggestions.
 Before I used to have serious communication problems with my father because he appeared to be very harsh and not accepting. The truth is that I think that he only acted that way in order to protect me. In a way I did feel protected but I still did not feel close to him at all. When I had a boyfriend I could not come up to my father and tell him the truth about everything. I  was terrified that when he found out he would be extremely disapointed in me. Like in every other situation the truth always comes out in one way or another.
When my parents fond out a lace of trust had been broken. They were not too disapointed with the fact that I had a boyfriend. They were sad and they felt betrayed because I didn´t have the trust to tell them. At the end of the story I learned that nobody is worth braking that trust with my father and that he truth will set me free.
I am actually currently in love and I made the choice to tell everything to my father no matter how hard it might be because I know now that I can come to him with any problem that I might have.

My Father was able to get out of the hole that he as born in. He comes from a very poor family and he was always very determined. When he was a kid he enjoyed doing sports all the time and he grew up to be a karate teacher at the age of 19 and he was the national champion in boxing. Then he wanted to become a somebody for some company. He went to college  with a full scholarship an later started to work in Pepsico. He workers there until the today and he has been promoted several times. I am very proud of my dad and I hope that one day his attitude and life is reflected in me.

1 comment:

  1. Great story. You're very lucky to be able to have a close relationship with your father.
