Sunday, April 11, 2010


Have you ever met a person who can be described in one word? Crazy. It is a simple word that can be followed by endless explanations. Monique is this crazy person to me. She is a great friend and she always comes up with new and creative ways to make people around her laugh. A lot. We think very differently in many ways but, that doesn´t matter because I believe that, that is why she is a close friend of mine.

She has always been a very cute person to me. Someone who is there when I need her. If I am in a happy mood she will laugh with me for hours without even having a true reason to laugh. When I feel sad or somehow depressed she accompanies me by giving me advice or simply being there. She shows that she cares.

Something that distinguishes Monique from almost everyone that I know is her selflessness. At break time sometimes I find myself without money to buy anything or during class when I starve and have nothing to eat. She finds ways to help me with small things or big things. She does this to anyone who shows to be her friend. This is why I LOVE MONIQUE VON GABRIEL!!!

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